Thursday, December 11, 2008

Internet Acronyms for Photographers

AA - anti aliasing
ACR - Adobe Converter RAW, the RAW converter included in PS
ADC - analog to digital converter
A/D - analog to digital converter
AF - auto focus
AFAIC - as far as I'm concerned
AFAIK - as far as I know
AKA - also known as
ARS - anal aperture
AS - aspheric, usually describing an AS ground lens
ASAP - as soon as possible
B&G - bride and groom
BG - background
Blocked - shadow information is clipped
Blown - data highlights are clipped
BS - bullsh!t
BTW - by the way
C - Canon
CB - color balance (AKA white balance)
CCD - charge coupled device
CF - custom function, Canon camaras
CF - compact flash
ch - channel, as in red, green, and blue channels
CMOS - complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor
CP - circular polarizer
cPOL - circular polarizer
CRT - cathode ray tube
CW - Chuck Westfall, Canon's technical sounding board
Digicam - digital camera
DO - diffractive Optics
DOF - depth of field at the object plane
DOF - depth of focus at the image plane
DPP - Digital Photo Professional (Canon's RAW converter program)
DR - dynamic range
DSLR - digital SLR
EC - exposure correction
EXIF - exchangeable image file format
EV - exposure value
FAIK - for all I know
FL - focal length
F-stop - a Stop
FOV - field of view
fps - frames per second
FWIW - for what it’s worth
GB - gigabyte
GND - graduated neutral density (e.g. GND filters)
HDR - high dynamic range
HSL - Hue, Saturation, and Lightness adjustments
IDIOT - somebody that makes lists (like this one)
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IMO - in my opinion
IOW - in other words
IS - image stabilization
ISO - the “International Organization for Standardization”
IQ - image quality
KISS - the "keep it simple, stupid" principle
LCD - liquid crystal display
LD - low dispersion, a type of glass used for a lens element
LMAO - laughing my “you know what” off
LOL - laughing out loud
LR - Lightroom, Adobe's RAW converter program
LV - Live view
MA - micro adjustment (e.g. on the 1DmkIII camera)
MB - megabyte
MF - medium format
MFD - minimum focusing distance
MFDB - medium format digital back
mk - mark
MLU - mirror lock-up
MP - mega pixel
MUA - make-up artist
N - Nikon
NDA - non-disclosure agreement
NSFW - not safe for work
NI - Neat Image (noise reduction program)
NIB - New in Box
ND - Neutral Density (e.g. ND filter)
NN - Noise Ninja (noise reduction program)
Noob - a Newbie (new to the forum and/or photography)
NP - national park
NR - noise removal
NW - noiseware
OBTW - oh by the way
Oly - Olympus
OMG - oh my God
OOF - out of focus
OP - the original poster of a thread
OT - off topic
OTT - over the top
P&S - point and shoot (e.g. P&S camera)
Pano - a panorama created by stitching individual picture frames
Pics - short for pictures
PITA - pain in the “you know what”
PLS - please
POL - polarizer (linear POL "may" be assumed)
POS - a piece of “you know what, try sh!t for starters”
POS - point of sale
POV - point of view
PP - post processing (performed after the initial rendering).
PR - public relations
PS - Photoshop (image editor program)
PS - power supply
PSP - Paint Shop Pro (image editor program)
PTGui - program for stitching individual picture frames into a panorama
RAW - a 16-bit format file, minimum of in-camera processing.
ROF - ring of fire (AF point selection choice)
ROOTB - right out of the box
ROOTC - right out of the camera
ROFLAMO - rolling on the floor and LMAO
RSP - Raw Shooter Premium (RAW converter program)
RTFM - read the "you know what" manual
SLD - super low dispersion, a type of glass used for a lens element
SLD - super-luminescent diode
SLR - single lens reflex (usually applies to a film SLR camera)
Stop - a factor of two in illumination or light intensity
TB - terabyte
TC - teleconverter (usually 1.4X and 2X)
tele - telephoto lens (typical meaning)
ULD - ultra low dispersion, a type of glass used for a lens element
USM - unsharp masking
USM - ultra sonic motor
UWA - ultra wide angle (e.g. lens or perspective)
VR - Nikon's equivalent of Canon's "IS"
WA - wide angle (e.g. lens or perspective)
WAG - wild a$$ guess
WB - white balance
W/O - without
WTB - want to buy
WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
YMMV - your mileage may vary
ZB - Zoombrowser, a canon program used for browsing

100% crop - a crop of the original JPEG file or RAW converted file, no resizing allowed.

EDIT: Comments addition
AV - Aperture Value settings
B&W - Black & White
CA - chromatic aberration
CPL - Circular Polarizer
DNG - Digital Negative - Adobe's proposed raw format
EVF - electronic viewfinder
GAS - Gear Acquisition Syndrome
IMNSHO - In my not so humble opinion
IR - infra-red
L - Canon's Luxury line of lenses
NDG - Neutral Density Graduated filter
SOOC- straight out of camera.
SWAG -scientific WAG
M - Manual settings
TTL - Through The Lens
TV - Time Value (shutter speed) setting


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